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Auguries & Divinations

Auguries & Divinations tracks a young woman's coming of age, attuned

to the unspoken liabilities in women's lives, the suburban underworld, and the energies of eros. An older woman becomes the narrator's Beatrice in love and survival, and she returns to the New England of her childhood ready to claim a life of her own making, drawing on the classical practice of augury, or observing birds to discern human fate.

Auguries & Divinations received the 2023 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize (Bauhan), and the 2024 Sheila Margaret Motton Book Award from the New England Poetry Club. It's been reviewed in the Boston Globe, Poetry Foundation, LitHub, On the Seawall, Solstice Literary Magazine, New Letters, Blackbird, and the Worcester Magazine, and it's available directly from Bauhan and at many independent bookstores.

“It has been years since I have read a new poet of such rhetorical sophistication and mastery. Wow. One thinks of the young Robert Lowell. Rhetorical mastery fueled by fury and necessity. Agony shaped and released by intelligence, by art. A breathtaking debut.” - Frank Bidart

Boston Globe
by Nina MacLaughlin

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LitHub Review by
David Woo

“Like Elizabeth Bishop, like Frank Bidart, Treseler makes a mode of scrupulous attention its own kind of passion.” - Maureen N. McLane

On the Seawall Review by Lisa Russ Spaar

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Poetry Foundation
Review by Virginia Konchan

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